A voucher code is your key to unlocking discounts on purchases. Many stores, brands, and travel companies provide these codes to attract customers and boost sales.
You can find voucher codes in physical stores, but more often, they’re conveniently available on coupon and loyalty websites, where shoppers go to discover the best deals.
These codes can offer substantial savings, ranging from 10% to as much as 80% off. They might apply to:
You might also come across other terms for voucher codes, such as coupon code, promo code, or discount code.
A voucher code is usually a combination of 6-10 characters and is used to reduce the total cost of your purchase during checkout. Here’s how to make the most of it:
Tip: Enter the voucher code before completing payment details to ensure your discount is applied correctly.
Look for instructions near the voucher entry field, such as:
We’ve made it easy to find the best voucher codes. Here are three ways to search for offers:
Enter the name of the store or company in the search bar and click “Search”. This will display any matching deals based on relevance.
You can also search by keyword (e.g., “hotels”, “fashion”) to explore offers in different categories.
Visit our A-Z / All Shops page to locate your favourite online store. This page is easily accessible from both the header and footer of our website.
If you’re after a specific type of offer, visit our All Categories page through the main menu. Select the category you want (e.g., Baby & Child) to discover relevant voucher codes, discounts, and related offers.